The Child Centre in Daajing Giids is pleased to announce another year of PLAYSCHOOL with Ms. Sarah!!

CONSIDERING VOLUNTEERING?? We are looking for new board members to join our local team of amazing volunteers. We meet every 2 months and collaborate on childcare initiatives in Daajing Giids. Please email dgchildcentre@gmail.com if you are interested in joining out Board of Directors.

Daycare for Essential Service Workers

The Child Centre has had to close its’ doors to regular programming (PLAYSCHOOL & AFTERCARE)

due to Covid-19…but with the tireless work of our board chair Winnie Tsai and interim ECEs Helen McPhee and Kate Hurt we have reopened a few days a week to offer daycare to the children of essential service workers. Please email qcchildcentre@gmail.com for more information. Haawas and love during this stressful time.

Why Waldorf?

Waldorf Education isn’t easy to explain in 1 minute or less…But there must be a reason why it has reached 100 years young and continues to grow worldwide.

Its aim is to teach little people

to be human,

to feel empathic towards others,

to treat themselves and others with respect,

to care for the planet,

to be empowered in their own ideas,

to hone a sense of wonder for life-long learning

to practice resilience in the ever changing world we live in.

Learn a little more here…https://vimeo.com/71295506 (Considering Walorf)



Good news for playschool...We are currently full for September but please phone 250-559-8338 or email qcchildcentre@gmail.com and get your child on the waitlist (must be 1 year of age to get on the waitlist) in case a space becomes available.  We wish to try to accommodate as many families as possible in Queen Charlotte:)

After School Care coming in September, Pre-Register now!

Lately many parents have been voicing concern over the lack of after school care options for their children ages 5-12. In response to this need The Child Center is pleased to announce that in September 2017 we will be starting a school age program to help provide fun, engaging activities for children from 3:15pm-5:00pm. Pre registration is now open so call today to reserve your child a spot. 

Queen Charlotte Playschool After School Care online.jpg

NEW! Thursday Mornings!

The Child Center is pleased to announce that we have added Thursday mornings to our weekly schedule. To find out if there is space available for your child please contact our centre at 250-559-8338

Our new website!

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to the Child Center’s brand new web site! 

As timing would have it, the web site is coming on-line just as we are starting to wind-down from the current school year, so please bear with us while we work things out. Going forward you can expect to find program information, parent information, updates and pictures.

The Child Center was incredibly lucky this past school year to have Joan Neely as our teacher, and she will be greatly missed when she leaves us after the last day of class in June.  The process of recruiting a new teacher for September has begun, and we look forward to updating the teacher profile once the right person has been hired!

For now, enjoy Spring on Haida Gwaii and remember, childhood is magical!